Best Practices: Visibility

Learn ways to directly and indirectly generate traffic to the partner page by keeping our partnership in plain sight of your HR audience and in areas that are relevant to their upskilling needs.


  1. Website Inclusion
  2. Accreditation

  1. Website Inclusion

  • Integrate the partnership prominently within sections of your website that offer easy visibility to your members.
  • Pro tip💡: Focus on areas dedicated to training and development. This includes incorporating the partnership details within the learning center, under resource sections, or within a dedicated partnership segment. This strategic placement ensures that your HR audience associates the partnership with training and development initiatives.
Example of website visibility under professional programs section
Example of website visibility under -Learning section
Example of website visibility with an entire page dedicated to the partnership

Example of website visibility with partnership on front-facing end of the website
Example of website visibility with partnership on learning partnerships page

  1. Accreditation

  • Enhance visibility by pursuing local accreditations for the courses. This communicates the relevance of the content to your HR audience and its applicability to their industry and career.
  • Pro tip💡: Broaden the appeal of the partnership by offering more professional development opportunities that allow your HR audience to earn CPD credits. This strategic move enhances the adoption of the partnership, as it aligns with their continuous professional growth goals.

Example of Accreditation
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